#100 "Hey Rod.....
"Hey Rod..... That net making looks pretty cool. Any special tools that you use?" "No.....but it is easier if you make yourself a net...
#100 "Hey Rod.....
#99 "Hey Rod.....
#98 "Hey Rod.....
#97 "Hey Rod.....
#96 "Hey Rod.....
#95 "Hey Rod.....
#94 "Hey Rod.....
#93 "Hey Rod.....
#92 "Hey Rod.....
#91 "Hey Rod.....
#90 "Hey Rod.....
#89 "Hey Rod.....
#88 "Hey Rod.....
#87 "Hey Rod.....
#86 "Hey Rod.....
#85 "Hey Rod.....
#84 "Hey Rod.....
#83 "Hey Rod.....
#82 "Hey Rod.....
#81 "Hey Rod.....
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