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Wilderness Recipes     


Here in wilderness recipes, you will find recipes for wild game, fish, birds and wild plants. Some of these recipes will call for certain spices, seasoning or vegetables. if you have them great, but if you don't, then make do with what you have. Some will be quite simple while others may take a bit of time to make. We've included a form so that you can email us one of your favorites. Thank you...."the management team"


Canned fish

First catch fish, then clean them. Cut the fish into pieces. Using one pint jars, add 1.5 teaspoon of vinegar,1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon salad oil and 2 tablespoons ketchup. 
Mix this well and then add the fish pieces. Seal the jars and cook in canner for four hours. Wait six weeks before using them.


Biscuit Mix

Use 9 cups four (white whole wheat or mixed) 5 tablespoons baking powder, 1 tablespoon vegetable shortening. Mix this all together. What ever you don't use right away, put in a airtight container. You can store this for up to two months at room temperature or you can freeze it. Use at home or in the wilderness.


Pickled Fish

This is good for trout or white fish. Cut fillets and then cut into serving size pieces. Layer this in a jar with pickling salt overnight. In the morning, wash the fish and dry lightly. Layer fish in jars with onions and some pickling spices. Add vinegar straight or watered down, depending on taste. Seal tight and let sit for at least three days.


Stuffed heart

Use a heart from a big animal like deer, moose or elk. Wash and clean very well, then stuff it the same as you would a chicken, without the poultry seasoning (try montreal steak spice). Bake in the oven at 350 degrees F or in a dutch oven over a camp fire until done.


Rack of Ribs

Have a good camp fire going. Get a green stick to put through the ribs (so the fire doesn't burn your stick off) and hold them beside the fire. Using the whole side of ribs from a deer, stick them through the stick and cook them so as you can turn them often. Baste them with a bar b q sauce as your turning them. Cook until done. You can cook fish and small game like rabbits and squirrels like this too. Careful, fish cooks faster then red meat. Check often, but cook thoroughly.


Grouse in a cream sauce

Cut off the breasts and thighs from a grouse. Wash and then roll them in flour, salt and pepper. Fry this up and when almost cooked, add some milk, cover and let this simmer. In a separate dish, mix up three teaspoons flour and some more milk, mix this up and add enough to the grouse to make a nice thickened sauce. Serve with baked potatoes and beans.


Wilderness Bean soup

This is a good wilderness recipe. Take a cup of dry beans and let them soak overnight. Use a bone from a deer, moose or elk that will fit into your pot, and add this to the beans. Make sure the beans stay covered over completely, then boil until the beans are tender (about an hour) Do not let them boil dry. Then take out the bone and add two medium potatoes diced up, an onion and a cup of carrots diced. Season with salt and pepper. When vegetables are cooked, thicken the soup by adding a little bit of flour.


Fish Balls

If you have left over fish or you just want a variety for your fish try this. Mix up 2 cups mashed potatoes, 1 egg, your cooked fish, salt and pepper to taste and make balls out of this mixture. Next, roll them in flour and fry in butter, margarine or vegetable oil until golden brown.


Breakfast in a paper bag, a real wilderness recipe

  • One paper lunch bag

  • Strips of thick bacon

  • Eggs

  • Campfire


  • Line the bottom of paper bag with bacon

  • Make sure to cover all of the paper and slightly up the sides too

  • Crack egg(s) and drop on top of the bacon

  • Fold the top of the bag over a couple of times

  • Put the bag on the grate over the campfire (no open flames)

  • The eggs are done when the grease from the bacon is about half way up the side of the bag.


Wilderness Bannock

Take 2 cups flour, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt and roughly 1 cups water. Mix the dry ingredients together then slowly add the water. Mix till you get it about the same as bread dough. You want the dough just dry enough that it doesn't stick to your hands. You want to be able to stretch the dough out and make the bannock pieces about the size of a slice of bread. Put about 1/4 inch of oil in a hot frying pan and fry the bannock on each side until golden brown. Bannock can also be cooked in the wilderness, on hot rocks or twirled around a stick and cooked over a camp fire. 


Roast Duck

Use a 4 or 5 pound duck. Mix some salt, pepper, thyme and lemon juice together. Rub this all over the outside and then cut up a lemon and a small onion and about 1/4 teaspoon thyme, mix this together and stuff the mixture inside the duck. Wrap the duck in tin foil and seal to keep the juices in, roast over hot coals for a couple hours. When almost done, poke several holes into the skin to allow fat to drain out. Cook a while longer. Serve with rice.























Bear meat is best roasted. It may be treated like pork, cooking 20 minutes for every pound of meat at 350 degree F. in the oven or wrapped in tin foil on hot coals at a camp fire in the wilderness. Cook thoroughly!


Dress and wash. cut into quarters, using fronts too. Stew in seasoned water (salt & pepper), add vegetables and dumplings. The sweetest tasting wild meat there is. With all wild game, cook thoroughly!


Porcupine can make stews or roasts, just like any other wild meat. Use only hind quarters of full grown ones. Small ones can be roasted or fried like a young pig, and tastes similar. Cook thoroughly!


Potato dumplings
1 cup mashed cold potatoes, 1 egg well beaten, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 1/2 tsp baking powder, flour, pinch of pepper
Add beaten egg to potato along with salt and pepper. Next add 1/2 cup of flour and the baking powder. Continue to knead in more flour until quite stiff. Then make into walnut sized balls, and drop these into boiling water or (squirrel or porcupine) stew. Keep boiling with the lid on the pot, and boil for about 10 mins. or longer. Serve these with generous portions of fried onions and meat or stew.


Breakfast Burritos

18 eggs
1/4-1/2 cup sour cream
16 oz cheese {just use your favorite kind}
1-1/2 lb. sausage
1 bag frozen potato’s {again, the style is up to you}
Peppers & onions {optional}
24 tortillas


PREP WORK: Heat a large skillet, and cook your sausage. Set aside.

Crack all of your eggs into a giant bowl. Whisk in the sour cream, and any seasoning’s you like. I use salt, pepper, and a pinch of garlic powder. Heat up a large skillet, and spray with non-stick spray. Or, to save on mess, use the same skillet you cooked your sausage in. Add your eggs, and scramble.

In a smaller bowl, combine your onions and peppers with a small amount of oil. Saute until onions are transparent, and peppers are tender. Set aside.

Cook potatoes according to package.

Combine the eggs, sausage, cheese, onion mixture, and potatoes in a large bowl. Mix to combine

START WRAPPING: Wrap a heaping cup of the egg mixture into each tortilla. Place, seam side down, on a cookie sheet. Once you have them all wrapped, place the pan in the freezer for 20 minutes. After the burritos have stiffened up a bit, wrap in foil, and place in a giant Ziploc.


Sausage Stuffing

  • 1/2 pound ground meat

  • 2 cups dried bread crumbs

  • 1 tbsp onion juice

  • 1 tbsp chopped parsley

  • salt and pepper to taste, fry or stuff


Broiled Quail

  • Dress & wash birds, Split down the back

  • Brush with melted butter

  • Place in greased heated broiler

  • Broil over hot coals

  • When partly cooked, season with salt & pepper

  • Serve on hot buttered toast and cranberry sauce


Chicken (or grouse) Sausage

  • Cut all the skin and meat of off the bones

  • Grind everything together, 2 or 3 times if needed

  • Mix in 2 eggs, salt & pepper to taste

  • Add 2 cups bread or cracker crumbs

  • Mix well, make into patties, fry until golden brown

  • (use the bones for soup or gravy)



  • If you run out of baking powder, use 1 tsp cream of tartar, 1/2 tsp baking soda equals to 2 tsp baking powder.

  • 3 tbsp cocoa and 1 tbsp butter equals 1 square of chocolate

  • 2 tbsp flour equals 1 tbsp cornstarch

  • 2 tbsp liquid, 2 tbsp flour, 1/2 tbsp fat & 1 tbsp baking powder equals 1 egg


To Clarify Fat

For every cup of fat that you render down, add one cup of water and 1/2 tsp. baking soda. Boil and allow the fat to harden. This will also removes any unwanted odors.


Wilderness Roasts

Moose is generally a bit on the dry side, so if you cook a bear roast along with your moose roast, in the same pan, they will kind of neutralize each other. Add a few onions, celery, carrots and potatoes to the pot and you'll have a feast. As with all wild game, cook thoroughly!



Beaver meat is really rich, nothing you would want on a steady diet, but a very tasty meal once in a while. Like anything else, the older and bigger they get, the tougher and chewier they become. The right size is one that just fits nicely in a good sized roast pan, stuff it like you would a turkey and bake it till the meat pulls off of the bone. Serve with wild rice and some garden fresh vegetables. Cook thoroughly!





















Beaver Tail & Beans

With the beaver tail, you skin it and then cut it up into cube like pieces. With the beans, you wash 1 pound dried white beans, then soak in cold water over night. If you don't want to soak them, you can boil them for a couple minutes and let them soak for an hour.

Put the beans in a saucepan, add 3 cloves garlic minced, 1 lg. onion sliced, pinch of cayenne, 1 bay leaf and the cubed beaver tail. Cover and bring to a boil, simmer and cook until beans are almost tender. Then drain, keeping 1 1/2 cups of the liquid. To the liquid add 1/4 cup ketchup, 1/4 cup molasses, 2 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce, 1/8 tsp. black pepper, 1 tsp. dry mustard. Mix this all together.

Put beans in a 2 quart casserole dish, then pour the liquid over the beans. Sprinkle 2 tbsp. brown sugar over the top and bake uncovered at 400 degrees F for 75 min. Enjoy!


The following are some Wilderness Plants.

Cat Tails

This plant has been called the Supermarket of the Swamp because it can be eaten in the spring, summer and winter. They grow everywhere and are easy to find and harvest.

In the spring when the young shoots are growing, you can pick the leaves and eat them like spinach, the white part of the stem is good either cooked or eaten raw and the"cob" can be cooked and eaten like corn when it's still in the green stage. Once it ripens you can use the pollen like flour.

The root called the rhizome, can be dug up even in the winter and cleaned up and eaten too. The sprouts growing off of the root is also good to eat. The root contains lots of starch, it is best to peel the root, then crush the rhizomes and separate the fiber from the starchy substance. Now let the starch sit in water for a few hours, drain and strain. Use it for flour or dry it and store it for further use. Can also be added to soups and stews.

You can also use the leaves for making baskets and ropes. Very use full plant indeed.



























Wilderness Mushrooms

There are a lot of wild mushrooms that are good to eat. There are also poisonous ones, so you should learn the difference. Pictured below are Morel mushrooms, these are good to eat. The cap on the morel goes right down to the stem and the mushroom itself looks like a really course sponge. If you slice the morel down the middle, it will be hollow. Clean and wash the mushrooms, slice them up and fry in some butter or margarine, salt and pepper to taste.





















Stinging Nettles

This is one of those spring time plants that you'll want to harvest before they get they get their flowers coming out. You'll have to be careful with this plant as it is very prickly and once you get stung by this plant, (it's called formic acid, the same acid that the fire ants bite has) the pain can last up to 24 hours, or more if you get a hand full. A good pair of leather gloves is the best precaution. You'll find this plant around meadows and creeks bank.

To prepare them you'll first need to blanch the nettles to kill the formic acid. Blanching means boiling them, then immediately submerging them in cold water. Once their blanched, you need to wrap them up and wring the water out of them. Now they should be ready to either cook, store, freeze or make a tea with. There a number of different ways of using the nettles, salads, soups, added to pasta's or mixed with other vegetables.

More mature plants have a fibrous layer, that you can divide into individual fibers and weave or braid to make twine or rope with.

Nettles are rich in iron, vitamin C, K and a lot of mineral values.

Pictured below are young Stinging Nettles from Pintrest. 






















Rose Hips

Totally different then the spring plants is the Rose Hip. It needs to flower first, then as the pedals fall, the hip starts to develop. About the middle of September to the end of October, depending where you live, is when the hip is at it's peak. Here again, your going to have to be careful picking the rose hips, because of the thorns from the rose bush.

All the nutrients are in the body of the hip. The rose hip is hollow inside, as this is where all the seeds are stored. 

All parts of the rose, especially the hips, are powerful with vitamin C and other nutrients. I guess it's all in the marketing, because compared to oranges, rose hips have over 20% more vitamin C, 25% more vitamin A, 25% more iron and 28% more calcium. They are also rich in vitamin E, bioflavanoids, pectin, B complex and magnesium.

You can make tea, jelly, syrup, soup or add some cut up rose hips to your salads. You can dry them for future use or use them fresh. When you dry out the hips, keep them in a air tight container and keep in a cool dark area, that way they'll keep and last through out the year, till you can gather more the next season.

Make sure when your gathering any kind of wild plant, that they haven't been sprayed with any kind of pesticides.

Pictured below is some ripe rose hips from Pintrest.






















Here's another wild plant that will help you survive. This is probably one of the most hated weeds there is, it shouldn't be hard to find as it grows everywhere. This is also a spring time plant, you want the tender young green leafs before the plant blooms. You can also eat the flower heads, same thing, before they bloom. If you wait till they have finished blooming, you can dig up the root, roast it and grind it up for a coffee like hot drink.

They too are loaded with vitamins A and C, calcium and potassium.

You can eat them hot or cold in a salad. To cook them, first you should wash them in cold water, then put them in a pot and add boiling water over the leaves. Let them boil for a few minutes, drain the water, then add a little butter, salt and pepper to taste. You can cook the buds the same way or you dip them in batter and fry them, or mix them into an omelet. Use your imagination, see what works for you. 

Pictured below are some dandelion greens from Pintrest.






















Water Cress

Another wild plant that is rich in vitamin C and iron is the water cress plant. It can be found floating on ponds, streams, marshes and river edges. If you cut the leafs of the water cress off at the water line, the plant will keep growing and replenish itself. If you manage it you'll never run out of fresh water cress from spring till late fall.

Water cress can actually be grown out of water, just keep it well watered and you can grow it year round in flower pots. Bring them inside during the winter. If you prefer to grow them in water, get a 5 gal container and fill it about 3/4 of the ways with water and put your plant in their. You'll have to change water often as the plant doesn't like stagnate water.

Water cress can be made into a salad or boil as greens.

Pictured below is water cress from Pintrest with white flowers


















Wild Leek

Wild leeks are onion like plants that grow in the wild, and are also called Ramps. They have a strong garlic like aroma, but taste like onions. The young shoots are among the first to come up in the spring and as they age, the leaves will die off and a flower will bloom and then turn to seed.This usually happens in late summer, early fall.

Both the broad leaves and the bulb can be eaten, either fresh or cooked. The leaves should be blanched, then can be frozen, stored or added to meals. You can also dry the leeks for future use.

If you want to replant leeks for a wilderness garden, plant the seeds, not the bulb. If you plant the bulb it may take a few years to reproduce, whereas if you plant the seeds, they'll start producing the following year.

Pictured below is freshly picked wild leeks from Pintrest. You can't see the leaves, they are a lot flatter and broader than green onion leaves.























Burdock Root

Have you ever walked through the bush and come out with dozens of little burs stuck to your pant lags? Well this burs are from the Burdock plant, and the root is good to eat, it has vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium and manganese. The trouble with it is, it's bitter, so you have to keep boiling it, 5 minutes at a time, throw that water out and boil for another 5 minutes, keep doing this until the bitterness is removed, then eat as a vegetable. 

Pictured below is a burdock plant.






















Mint can be found growing in the wilderness or you can plant mint in your garden and have it at your fingertips. If you're not sure if the plant is mint or not, break a leaf open and you should be able to smell that mint aroma immediately. The many things that you can do with mint are;

  • The leaves make an excellent tea, especially with honey.

  • Used for flavoring sauces and jellies.

  • Adding flavor to dishes like pork, vegetables, potatoes & salads.

  • Crush mint leaves in a hot bath to freshen and soften the skin.

  • Its essential oil, menthol, can be inhaled to soothe a cold.

  • Crush the leaves to soothe bites and stings.

  • The crushed leaves will also settle an upset stomach, relieve gas and whiten teeth.



























Wilderness Berries

Depending where you are in the world, there a lot of fresh berries through the summer months. You may be able to find strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, huckleberries, blackberries, cranberries, gooseberries, soapberries, saskatoons, choke cherries, also red and black currants. These berries are all edible, although some are a lot sweeter than others are, they are still good for some kind of wilderness recipe.

Once picked these berries can be made into jams or jellies and will keep for a longer time then when their freshly picked. You can also air dry them and add them to pancake or waffle mixes. If you mix up a batch of pemmican (made up of dried meat and fat/marrow) you can add dried berries for added flavor and nourishment.

























Smoked Honey Glazed Salmon

1 gallon water
½ cup sea salt (non-iodized)
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup honey
1 tbsp tarragon
1 tsp garlic powder

½ cup brown sugar & 1/2 cup honey
Combine brine ingredients in a bowl until salts and sugars dissolve.
Place the fish in brine solution.
Put lid on the bowl and refrigerate overnight (8 to 12hr).
Remove the fish from the brine solution and rinse thoroughly under cold water.
Towel dry fish and place on racks that will later be put in the smoker.
If smoking fish without skin, I would recommend spraying the racks
with a non-stick cooking spray so the fish can be removed without sticking to the racks.
Let the fish set on the racks at room temperature for roughly 1hr.
The fish will become tacky and a sticky glaze will start to develop.
Place the fish into the smoker. Smoke the fish with two or three pans
of alder chips.
I typically cook the fish at a low heat for 12 hours in the smoker.
Most of the fish are filleted to ½ inch thick.
Cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of fish and the desired amount of dryness.
Gradually warm the brown sugar and honey in a saucepan until the
sugar dissolves, then brush this glaze onto the fish for the last hour of smoking.


Campbell River Candy

Submitted by Don, from Campbell River, BC

This recipe is becoming quite popular in Campbell River, BC, Canada,
known as "The Salmon Capital Of The World". It goes great with any
beers, especially dark ales. It uses a DRY brine that caramelizes while
in the smoker. It works equally well with all species of salmon.  

1 cup rock salt
4 cups brown sugar
4 large cloves garlic, coarse grated
Equal amount of fresh ginger, coarse grated
Skin of 2 oranges, coarse grated.
Don't bother to peel garlic or ginger ... it's easier to pick out skin
after grating.
Slice fillets of salmon into 1" to 1 1/2" strips, head to tail.
If using larger fish, slice top off fillet to get part next to skin
about 1" to 1 1/2" thick.
You can also take off skin for a less oily finished product.
This recipe makes enough for 1 batch in a "Little Chief " smoker.
Make brine & cover fish with it. I use a Lasagna pan & cover it with
shrink wrap.
Leave it in the Fridge for 2 days. You will have a gooey sludge in the pan when done.
Discard. You can lightly rinse some of the strips & leave some strips
with the sludge, including grated pieces still on.
Smoke for 12 ~ 14 hours with 2 pans of alder or cherry wood chips.






















Honey and Cinnamon

Pretty hard to beat this combination. Really good on toast along with a cup of peppermint tea and honey.




























Bee Pollen






















The lifestraw is a tube with a water filter inside that will filter up to 4000 liters. This filter will remove 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria and 99.9% waterborne parasites, filtering down to 0.2 microns. Bacteria removed include, Escherichia coli, Campylobacter, Vibrio cholerae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella & Salmonella. Protozoa removed include, Giardia lamblia (beaver fever), Cryptosporidium Parvum, Entamoeba histolytica.  The Lifestraw will not filter out heavy metals or viruses and will not desalinate water, meaning it will not remove salt from sea water.

It is completely portable, made of durable plastic, is 9 inches long and 1 inch wide, and only weighs 2 ounces, making it perfect for hiking, fishing, hunting or any outdoor activity. If your traveling to any country that has questionable water, this would be perfect.  It has a shelf life of 5 years, only because that was as long as the test was. It does not have a replacement filter, once you can't suck the water through anymore, it would have to be replaced. 














































Health Foods

Here are four healthy foods that look similar to body parts, but they're a lot more then these, check out below....






















































































































































Drinking Water

It makes a difference as to when you drink your water.


                                          to go to the Drinking Water page.


Pike Marinading Recipes 


                                          to go to Pike Marinading Recipe.



Chaga Mushroom

Chaga mushrooms are found on birch trees. They are a fungus growing on the side of the tree. Don't mistaken them with a burl. Chaga is very dark in color and have more of an orange color on the inside. Chaga has been known to prevent cancer from developing, build up the immune system, improve the liver functions and influenza. Chaga mushrooms also has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties. It's most effective when made into a double extraction tincture, utilizing all of it's medical properties. When harvesting, take only the larger mushrooms and leave anything under 6 inches across.
















Dehydrating Food


                                         to go to the Dehydrating Page.





     Listerine is made up from alcohol and essential oils that are good for killing fungus and bacteria not only in your mouth, but also on the skin and wounds on your body. Listerine will also kill head lice. Apply to the scalp, rubbing it in generously, cover with a shower cap for a couple of hours and then wash and rinse. Use a lice comb to pick out the nits. Other uses include killing ticks, mold and mildew, toenail fungus and  keeping open wounds from getting infected.














More Wild Mushrooms

Other good mushrooms that are edible are 'Chanterelles', 'Puffballs and a mushroom called 'The Chicken of the Woods'. All of these should be cooked before eating, sauteed in butter or in a cream sauce. There is also a mushroom called a false Chanterelle, it's not poisonous, but also not as tasty a the true Chanterelle. These mushroom grow close to conifer trees, like pine, spruce , fir and hemlock. There about 40 different spicies of the Chanterelle, the most common being the Yellow Chanterelle, pictured below on the left.

The Giant Puffball can grow pretty big and is found in pastures and along tree lines. These mushrooms can be sliced and fried. I've had one that would not fit a 12" frying pan when sliced. Pictured below.

The Chicken of the Woods gets it's name because a lot of people think it taste a lot like chicken. These mushrooms grow on trees, sometimes even on stumps that seem dead. Avoid any of these mushrooms that grow on Cedar trees. Pictured below on the right.











Burdock and Dandelion soda

Burdock & Dandelion soda has been around for a long time, mostly forgotten by most of the population. You can make your own soda using a couple of burdock root and several dandelion roots, 1 tsp vanilla, ¼ tsp cinnamon, a lemon and 300g sugar (you can substitute honey for the sugar) and a pint of water. Clean the roots and chop them up really fine and place them into a pan with the pint of water. Next add the vanilla, cinnamon and juice from one lemon. Boil this concoction for about 20 min., remove from heat and strain the liquid out, while it's still warm, add the sugar or honey, stirring until it's all dissolved. Once it cools off, dilute with filtered water to your own taste. A lot like root beer but without the 'sassafras'...... maybe try making that next.



Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread, it is healthier and easier to digest then most grain breads. Sourdough bread dates back to before AC/DC or even BC, somewhere around when the Egyptians were building pyramids and other tall things. You need a 'starter' to make sourdough bread, it's actually pretty easy, just a little time consuming. Using a clean clear 2 quart bowl or jar (never use metal) and a scale, put in 4 oz of flour, (all purpose, rye, whole wheat, whatever your preference is) if you don't have a scale, that's ¾ of a cup plus 2 tbsp and 4 oz of filtered water or ½ a cup. That's it. Now mix this up and let it sit for a day on your counter. To see how much it rises, mark the top of the mix with a piece of tape or use a rubber band. The next day, repeat this again, another 4 oz of each flour and water, mix and sit. You repeat this for 5 days. Your starter should now be made and you will never have to make another starter again. As a matter of fact, you can pass this down to your kids and they in turn can pass this down to their kids. Once you have a starter, you only use about a quarter of it to start your next batch of bread. The rest should be kept in the fridge and you 'feed' it once a week to keep it going, discard half of it and add 4 oz of each flour and water, mix and sit. If you want to store this for months, dry your starter out on a silicone mat or parchment paper, break it up into flakes and store it in a sealed container in a cool dark place. To reactivate it, take ¼ cup of the flakes, add 4 oz each of flour and water and start over again. Here again, save part of your starter in the fridge or dry and store. Enjoy!



Apple Peel & Core Jelly

You can cook the peelings and core to make a jelly. I think after you boil the peel for a while it should kill the chemicals that gets sprayed on them. After you boil the core and peelings, strain the liquid and throw the solids into the compose. Add some apple juice to the remaining liquid, enough to make up 7 cups of liquid. Now add a package of pectin and bring back to a rapid boil. Add 7 cups white sugar (I have a problem with this, I'd try honey instead) and continue boiling for another minute. Remove from heat and pour into sterilized jars leaving 1/8” head-space. After placing the lids on, place the jars in a bath of boiling water, making sure the jars are covered by at least an inch of boiling water. Keep at a rolling boil for 5 minutes. Remove the jars and let sit for at least 12 hours. Store in a dark cool area. You can also make a tea with the peelings, adding a bit of cinnamon and honey to some boiling water. The peelings can also be roasted with a bit of butter, cinnamon & honey for a crispy snack. If none of this a-peels to you......just put them all in a compost and walk away.


Drinking Water in the middle of No-where

Well there a couple of ways of getting water. First of all, if there is dew on the grass, rocks or vegetation, you can absorb this with a clean cloth (even then wring it out into something, even your mouth if there is nothing else is available. The next way is from condensation, but here you'll need some plastic to work better. If you happen to have a plastic bag, (doesn't have to be clear), you'll put a small rock on the bottom of the bag and then tie the bag around a clump of leaves on a tree or brush. Do this facing the sun, as the sun heats the bag it will collect moisture from the leaves and drip into the bag. The ultimate here, if you had a piece of surgical tubing, you'd put the tubing to the bottom of the bag and suck the water out as it forms. Either way, you'd want to take the bag off before sunset or else the plant will absorb the liquid back up again. Other forms of drinking water are, rain or snow.


No yeast dinner rolls

1 cup flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup milk

2 tablespoons Mayo

Combine all ingredients and put into a greased muffin pan. Makes 5 rolls. Cook at 180 degrees F for 15 min. or until a nice golden brown.


Pinto Bean (Refried beans)


Pinto Bean recipe; Cook in a pressure cooker for best results. Sauté 4 slices of bacon,  1/2 a large onion and 2 cloves of garlic. Add a 1# bag of dried pintos, add 4 cups of chicken broth, oregano, chili powder, cumin, a jalapeño, cilantro to taste and a squeeze of lime. Pressure cook high for 45 minutes and natural release for 25 minutes. I use an immersion blender to make the results into “refried” beans. Absolutely hands down the best.


Meatless Sausage

1 cup oatmeal

2 whole eggs

1.5 tsp Sage

2 tsp parsley

2 tsp onion powder or flakes

1 tsp dill

1 tsp salt or beef bouillon

1 tsp black pepper

1.5 tsp garlic = you can adjust all of these spices to your taste

Mix all of this together. Let sit for a few minutes then form into patties. Pre-heat skillet, pour a little oil in and fry until nice and brown. Then simmer in either vegetable or beef broth for 20 min., pat dry with paper towel and return to skillet until brown again. Makes 4 or 5 patties, depending on size.


BBQ Chickpea Sloppy-Joes

2 x 15 oz cans chickpeas, drained & rinsed

1/2 cup uncooked red lentils, drained & rinsed

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

1 cup diced onion

1 tbsp. garlic

1 x 15 oz. tomato sauce

1/2 cup water

1/4 cup dark brown sugar

3 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/2 tsp dry mustard

1/4 tsp red crushed pepper flakes

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp black pepper

Mix all ingredients and cook in a slow cooker or stove top until done.


Veggie Burgers

1 can pinto or black beans or other beans you favor (drained & rinsed)

3 tbsp. tomato paste

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/4 tsp onion powder

2 tbsp. flour or oat bran

1/2 cup cooked diced veggies of your choice

Mix all ingredients and form patties. You can pan fry, BBQ or bake at 350 degrees for 10 min each side.


Storing Carrots

 It's the middle of January and we're still eating carrots that we pulled out of the garden in the middle of September. We put them in a container, covered them with sand and kept them in a dark closet. Anything sticking out of the sand (very small ones) have dried out, but all the ones buried are still good eating.


Winter Survival

Winter can be pretty harsh at times, especially where we live, north of the 52 parallel. One way to survive is to fish through the ice, called 'ice fishing'. Now ice fishing can be done by either drilling or cutting a hole in the ice and fishing with a rod and reel, hooks with bait. Another way is to use a fishing net. This demands a much larger challenge, cutting more holes in the ice and 'feeding' the net under the ice until it is stretched out and allowed to 'open' properly. But left for a few hours or over-night, this can produce a lot more fish than just sitting with a rod and reel. So maybe a good sized net should be a part of your survival equipment along with a chain saw. If nothing else, at least learn how to make a net.


Sore throat Syrup

Here’s a simple guide on how to make a ginger syrup laced with honey and lemon for sore throat.


  • 1 to 2 lemons, sliced

  • 2 tsp freshly grated ginger

  • ½ cup honey


  1. Fill a half-pint jar with half the lemon slices.  Add 1 tsp of freshly grated ginger, and ¼ cup of honey.

  2. Stir everything so that the honey can cover all of the lemon slices.

  3. Repeat the procedure with the rest of your ingredients. The lemon should take ¾ of the jar space. If there is still more space in the jar, you can add more honey to soak everything.

  4. Leave the mixture for 3-4 hours. Store in a refrigerator. This homemade sore throat syrup can last for 2-3 month.

  5. Cough and sore throat can be managed well with homemade remedies. But please note that these remedies are not intended to substitute any medications given by your physician. You should always consult your doctor if your symptoms of cough and sore throat are chronic and keep on coming back. Also, seek medical attention immediately if chest pains or difficulty breathing occurs alongside your coughing and sore throat symptoms.
































































































































































 Avocados and Pears resemble the womb & cervix of a women, takes nine months to ripen and when eaten once a week by women, balances the birth hormones.

 Broccoli, the tiny green tips look like hundreds of tiny cancer cells. Broccoli is believed to reduce the risk of cancer.

 Celery, Rhubarb & Bok-choy look like bone structure. Bones are made up of 23% sodium, if your diet doesn't have enough calcium in it, the body will pull calcium from the bones. These foods have calcium in them.

 Figs hang in twos when they grow & are full of seeds, same as a mans testicles. Figs increase sperm count, sperm mobility as well as overcoming male sterility.

 Sweet potatoes resemble the pancreas and are high in beta-carotene, which is a potent antioxidant, it also promotes healthy functions in the pancreas and prevents damage associated with cancer and aging.

 Grapes resemble the inside of the lungs. A diet high in grapes has shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema.

 Grapefruits, oranges and other citrus fruit look like the mammary glands of women and actually assist the health of the breast, and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

 Olives resemble the ovaries in the female body. Olives, along with olive oil, assist the health and function of the ovaries.

 Onions look like body cell's. Onion have been shown to clear waste material from all of the body cells. They also produce tears that wash the epithelial layers of the eyes.

 Ginger resembles the stomach and aids in digestion. It also calms the stomach, cures nausea and motion sickness. It also has shown signs of slowing the growth rate of bowel tumors.

 Mushrooms cut in half resemble the ear. Mushrooms contain vitamin D, which is healthy for bones, and the ear has three tiny bones that transmit sound to the brain.

 Ginseng roots look like the human body, and will help in the curing of almost all ailments related to the body.

 Bananas should put a smile on your face, since it adjusts the level of serotonin production in the brain, which in turn is a mood regulating chemical. Also has potassium, manganese, vitamin C and dietary fiber.


Honey And Thyme

Honey is a natural remedy for a lot of ailments. When combined with other herbs and spices, it becomes a powerful agent that treats various symptoms. A cough syrup that combines honey with thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is an effective and simple treatment that you should give a try too.


  • 2 cups water

  • 1 cup raw honey

  • 3 tbsp dried thyme


  1. In a small saucepan, bring water to a boil. Remove from heat.

  2. Add thyme. Cover and leave for 10 minutes.

  3. Strain. Whisk in honey until it is dissolved.

  4. Transfer in a glass jar and store in a refrigerator. This can last for 2 months.

How to use:

Drink 1 to 2 tsp as needed whenever your cough is irritating you.


Apple Cider Vinegar With Cayenne

Apple cider vinegar is a very helpful staple in your kitchen. It provides a lot of health benefits, especially when treating cough. A simple combination of ACV and honey can help relieve sore throats too.

The recipe mix I’m sharing below makes use of other ingredients like cayenne (Capsicum annuum) and ginger. It will surely chase your cough away. Note, however, that cayenne and ginger may be too hot of a combination so children and some adults who do not like spicy stuff may not be able to tolerate this cough syrup.


  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • 2 tbsp water

  • 2 tbsp honey

  • ¼ tsp cayenne pepper

  • ¼ tsp ground ginger


  1. Mix all ingredients in a jar and shake well.

  2. Store in a dark cool place.

How to use:

You can warm the syrup before using it if desired. Shake well and take 1 to 2 tbsp as required to alleviate your cough.


Onion Cough Syrup

You need:

  • Glass container with lid

  • An Onion that fits into the container

  • Honey


  1. Peel your onion. Slice it into rounds (which will fit into your jar.)

  2. Layer onion and honey in the jar.

  3. When the jar is full, cover it and set it at room temperature for 6-8 hours until a syrup forms.

  4. Ready to use! Simply eat a spoonful of this syrup as needed to soothe your cough. Store in the refrigerator.

Note: You can strain out the onions once the syrup is done, but it is not necessary.



The average person needs a minimum of 1000 calories per day. Now depending on the size of the person and how active they are, this could be a lot more. Now if you do not get your daily requirements, your body will start to live of off itself. For an example of how many calories are needed, a box (5 bars) of chocolate covered granola bars has the maximum of 750 calories in the total box, that's 150 calories per bar. That's it. So if you're going for a five-hour hike up a mountain, you need more than this for a snack along the way. If you added some nuts and raisins to just one of those bars, you could get it up to 500 calories. Plan ahead and don't forget the water!


123 Bread

1 can of beer

2 cups of flour

3 tablespoons of sugar

Mix this all together and add it to a greased pan. Bake in the oven at 375F degrees for 30 to 40 min.

You can substitute lemon lime soda or seltzer water for the beer.

You can spruce it up by adding cheese, garlic or bacon bits. Maybe.....all three or more herbs and spices.


Kitchen Hints

If your short one egg in a recipe, substitute 1 tsp. cornstarch

Refresh bread or rolls by reheating in a paper bag, sprinkle water on the bag & heat to 400 F for a few min.

To keep whipped cream from going watery, add icing sugar instead of regular sugar.

To keep mold of off cheese & bacon, wrap in cheesecloth dipped in vinegar and wrung out.

Get rid of onion or garlic odour on your hands by rubbing them with vinegar, a slice of lemon or mouthwash.

1 tbsp = 15ml

1 cup = 250 ml.

1/4 cup = 2 oz.

1 lb. = 16 oz.

1 oz. = 2 tbsp fat or liquid.

2 cups fat/sugar = 1 lb.

1 lb. butter = 2 cups.

3 tsp = 1 tbsp.

4 tbsp = 1/4 cup

2 pints = 1 quart or 4 cups

1 fl oz = 28.4 ml.

1 pint = 570 ml.

1 quart = 1.14L

1 L = .88 qt.

1 imp gal = 4.54 L


Dill Cheese Dip

1 package of cream cheese

1/4 cup pickle juice

6 tbsp ranch dressing

6 tbsp mayonnaise or Miracle Whip

1 tsp dill finely chopped

1 pickle finely chopped   - Mix all ingredients and chill


Corn Fritters

1 cup flour

1 tsp baking powder

3/4 tsp salt

2 eggs beaten

1 1/2 cups cooked corn Or cream corn

Mix all ingredients and drop heaping tbsp into hot oil - cook until golden brown.


Pickled Eggs

1 dozen eggs

1 tbsp salt

2 cups white vinegar

1 cup cold water

1 tbsp mixed whole spice or pickling spice

Boil eggs until hard boiled and then add to the pickling solution. Either put in a glass container or sealed in a plastic bag. Let stand for at least 1 week before eating, 2 are better.


Trail Bars

1 - 6 oz pkg chocolate chips

1 - 6 oz pkg caramel chips

1/2 cup peanut butter

1 pkg finely chopped nuts

1 cup small coloured marshmallows

Melt all chips and peanut butter together, add remaining ingredients and pour into a pan. Let cool and cut up.


Trail Fudge

1 1/4 cups peanut butter

1 cup margarine

1 lb icing sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla

2 - 8 oz Hershey Chocolate bars

Cream peanut butter, margarine & vanilla. Pour into 9 x 13 pan. Melt the rest of the ingredients and spread on top of creamed layer. Cool and cut into squares.


Deluxe Potatoes

2 lbs frozen hash-browns

1 cup diced onions

1 10 oz can of cream of chicken soup

1/2 cup of margarine

8 oz of grated cheese (your choice)

Salt & pepper to taste.

Thaw hash browns and mix all ingredients. Pour into a 9 x 13 pan and bake at 350 for 1 hr. Top with corn flake crumbs if you'd like them a little crunchy. 






 This site is for information purposes. The information on this site is of the opinion of the authors and is believed to be true to the best of our knowledge. All posted literature is copyright by 2012-2023 unless otherwise stated.

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